wildbrumby Negroni 24% (700ml)

$65.00 inc. GST

This is a deliciously warming alpine twist on the classic Italian cocktail, which has its origins in early 20th-century Italy.

Legend has it that Count Camillo Negroni invented this iconic drink after requesting his Americano cocktail be served with a shot of gin instead of its traditional soda. The rest, as they say, is history.

To create our wildbrumby negroni we blend our award-winning classic gin with our seasonal baked apple schnapps, and then add a dash of homemade Italian bitters. This spicy winter aperitif is ready to drink on ice, and best served with a slice of orange to garnish.

Check out our DISTILLERS BLOG here for some great cocktail ideas.

Contains fruit/wine/milk products and sulphites.

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